Patriots Logo Apparel

The new Patriots Band logo (the actual embroidered version as shown at the right) has now been prepared and registered with Lands' End Business Outfitters. This means that we can now order any item sold by Lands' End with a smart-looking, two-color, embroidered logo! This way, any band member can replace and upgrade their Patriots apparel in time for the summer concert season. Lands' End offers an outstanding selection of sizes, styles, and fabrics for both men and women, with prices for all budgets. This is an easy and efficient way to replace your tired, old Patriots shirt with a professional-looking upgrade. If you like, order a second embroidered shirt to wear to work, order one for your spouse, or order an embroidered tote bag for carrying your horn accessories. Check out the Lands' End web site at:

There are two ways to order a new shirt. Both require that you use these special, secret numbers:

Patriots Logo Number: 0948964

Band Customer Number: 4521878

Method 1: Telephone order

Look at any Lands' End Catalog or log onto the Lands' End web site and select your item. Call Lands' End Business Outfitters at 800-587-1541, and instruct them to add the Patriots logo (give them the logo and customers numbers above), and place your order. There is usually a charge to add the embroidered logo. This must be a credit card order.

Method 2: Internet order

Log onto the Lands' End Corporate Apparel website at: In order to add the Patriots logo, you will first need to "register" with Lands' End to add the logo to your "library". The "register" button is near the upper right corner on the Lands' End Corporate Apparel home page shown above. The web site will guide you through the registration process where you will have to enter various name and address information, and the logo and customer numbers. In return for registering, you will typically receive a discount on your first purchase. Lands End also offers various discounts and promotions that may help you save on the overall price. Watch your email for money saving offers. Once the registration is complete, do your shopping, and the Patriots logo will be easily available to add to any item you select. This must be a credit card order.

The Rules:

You are permitted to order any item you like from Lands' End. However, for Patriots summer performances, the required attire is an all-white polo-style shirt (with collar, short sleeves preferred). For your own use, feel free to add the logo to any item you like.


The Patriots logo is now embroidered onto the shirt rather than screen-printed. Choose shirt material of reasonable weight (thickness) to accommodate the stitching. Ask the Lands End customer service representative if you have any questions.

Happy shopping, and thank you for making the Patriots Band look great!